Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hollywood ruining Spider-Man film franchise

By now, you've all pretty much heard the news that Sony Pictures is scrapping its plans for Spider-Man 4 and rebooting the franchise instead.

Apparently, there had been several script rewrites for the now-aborted Spider-Man 4, including the idiotic decision to include a "vulturess" character, and from what I read Sam Raimi was fed up with the direction and left the project. Tobey Maguire soon followed suit.

This is a completely stupid decision by the film studio. Unlike the Batman franchise, which hadn't produced a good film in 15 years and benefited from a rebooting, Spidey does not need to rebooted. The first film only came out 8 years ago!! And while the third movie was underwhelming, the first two were superb, and a strong showing in the fourth film could have put a spark back into the franchise and propelled it going forward.

Now, we have to get another origin story focused on Peter's time in high school, JUST LIKE WE DID 8 YEARS AGO!! I love Spider-Man, and I don't know if I can sit through another origin story. Even the most casual fan knows Spidey's origin. If they had to reboot it, why not just start with Peter in his mid-20',already a veteran Spider-Man, introduce a cool villain we haven't seen on scree before, like Kraven or Lizard, and go from there. Everyone knows how Peter became Spider-Man, there's no need to start again from the beginning.

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