Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Golden Spidey Memories: ASM #62 reiew

After the pulse-pounding saga that just concluded, featuring the Kingpin, his brainwasher, a brainwashed George Stacy, tumult between Peter and Gwen, and other action, this issue is a bit of a breather, that's another way of saying it's mediocre.
We start off right in the action, with a web-swinging spidey coming across Medusa, of the Inhumans fame. I thought she was a long-forgotten character, but apparently Medusa has had a long career in the Marvel U, according to Wikipedia. You lean something every day.
Anyway, Medusa is here to talk to "average people" as sort of a retcon mission to sea if they fear her, in order to determine if the Inhumans can re-enter regular society without a problem. Oh, Stan, this is shaping up to be a pretty dumb issue.
And my prediction is realized by the fifth page, as an ad exec looks out his window and sees Medusa, and her long flowing hair. He determines she would be the perfect spokeswoman for a series of ads for "Heavenly Hair Spray." Oh boy. Anyway, the ad guy sends his flunky to offer this prestigious role to Medusa. she initially scoffs at it, but then realizes it could help her in her mission to interact with regular society, so she accepts.
However, things go wrong when Medusa starts smashing production equipment and making a general ruckus in the ad studio. Spidey tangles with her again, she reveals her true intention, and determines the Inhumans can't mingle in regular society. The only noteworthy aspects of this issue were a scene where Norman Osborn starts to recollect his Green Goblin memories, and a scene at the end where MJ realizes how much Peter cares for Gwen.

Rating. 3.0 out of ten. after a pretty stellar ten-plus issue run, really ever since the kingpin was introduced in ASM #50, this is clearly a throw away issue. Stan really mailed this one in. There is absolutely no reason for this issue to exist, and it does nothing to further any spider-storyline

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